You can call, text, or email me if you need more information or would like to use my services. Here's my info, or you can use the handy contact form above.
I am usually able to accommodate last minute arrangements, so please don't hesitate to call. I usually respond within 24 hours. If you have not heard anything back, please check your junk mail and/or send me another note! I've had a little trouble with emails going to internet neverland lately.
Thanks for looking at my page and considering encapsulation!
Lisa VanDyne
[email protected]
I am usually able to accommodate last minute arrangements, so please don't hesitate to call. I usually respond within 24 hours. If you have not heard anything back, please check your junk mail and/or send me another note! I've had a little trouble with emails going to internet neverland lately.
Thanks for looking at my page and considering encapsulation!
Lisa VanDyne
[email protected]